ermmmmmm lemme think.
For the sake of God don't speak in English whilst you're in a queue for a nightclub (you'll thank me later ;)
Don't assume everyone can speak English- no they can't. That includes people our age too.
Try making a little effort speaking the basics of the language- they'll appreciate it.
Nobody wears heels on a night out. Opt for trainers or cute sandals.
Gin isn't a thing here, and neither is cocktails- not as big as it is in the uk.
Apero is a massive thing here, chilled drinking with friends in some randomers house or our go to spot which was some church steps which overlooked a small quatier of Montpellier (Eglise saint roch if you wanna visit). They usually had street performers there too so you could enjoy some music or fire performances whilst sipping (/drinking from your wine bottle:).
I'm just listing cultural differences at this point.
OMG don't eat dinner at 6, eat it at at least 8/9pm.
Cheese. Gotta be done, treat yourself and buy a different one each week to spice things up.
Don't sign random sh*t in the street from strangers pretending to be deaf. It's a scam.
Always say bonjour/bonsoir.
Always say 'merci, au Revoir' when leaving a shop.
If someone hears your accent and starts speaking English to you, please carry on speaking in french otherwise you're not gonna learn anything.
If a guy you think is cute says to you during a soiree 'prend pas la tete' just run.
Don't walk home drunk/alone late at night especially if you're in the center, always get someone to walk back with you, get them to stay at yours/you to stay at theirs. The risk of getting followed isn't worth it.
If you're speaking English whilst out, absolutely fine but just don't be loud about it. Honestly, people are not a fan of the English here. I mean fair enough but equally, suck my toe.
Campus-wise- expect secondhand smoking lung problems. A free blessing if you will. They weren't joking when they said everyone in France smokes. It's kinda weird not to, but idgfffffff. Not for me, happy to be the weird one in the corner over that one.
Can't forget about the weird men. I swear these men/boys/children will hear your accent and be like OOOOFFFFFFFTTTT THAT'S A BIT OF ME. I understand but respectfully move 2m away from me and leave me alone. I just don't get why they have to get creepy about it. I'm trying my best ok, leave me alone.
Continuing with the weird men vibe, you've just gotta turn french on them and just say 'non' and keep walking. Get those headphones in girl if you need to.
Hmmmm, another thing. French girls. Nasty. That's all I'm saying. You'll find out soon enough.
I feel like I can't sit and write about everything to do/not to do so just use your initiative and analyse situations x