Hola guapos and guapas ;)
I'm currently on my Chinese lectures online which I probably should be focusing on but keeping these updated is my priority rn because if I don't update as I go along best believe I never will.
I got back to England this Tuesday for my old housemate's wedding, which I'm so excited about because I haven't been to a wedding in agesssss and out of the total of 2 I've been too, one of them didn't go too well for me (let's just say it involved some champagne and my 14-year-old self drinking it like water)
Montpellier only flies to London and I think Manchester but I didn't want to ask my family to do a 3hour journey to pick me up so I basically did it from my end instead before I flew back home. I got a train to Narbonne, and did a cheeky change to Carcassonne which was a pain in my ass because my french phone company decided to be a hoe and stop my data from working- so guess who had no wifi and had to guess which one was meant to be my next train? Me. Thankfully I remembered to it was something with Mathieu in it, two words, first word maybe began with a T, I was basically playing fking charades with myself.
Long story short I found it, but guess what - there were no elevators there. My little weak ass self said fml and started to drag my 20kg suitcase step by step down the stairs (had a 10min countdown at this point) but we had a good samaritan who emerged and took my bag for me. Forever grateful my fellow Frenchie wherever you are.
Made it on time, got to Carcassone, and had a little waddle around because the bus to the airport decided to be in 2hours which wasn't gonna work for me. However, like I said before your girl had no data. So I waddled to a cafe used their data and got myself a Uber to the airport. Tell me why I didn't think to look up the size of this airport in advance. Bro, it was tiny. I got there 3hours early. 3.
Then I was like it's chill. We're here, not gonna miss it - let's just catch up on uni. I couldn't even do that because my uni is a Chinese website and the airport wifi wasn't having that so it wouldn't let me on. Absolutely mugged off guys and gals. Sat there and was like looks like I'm reading my french book for the next 2hours then till check-in. I just wasn't in the mood for 'la pire des choses' so I sat there vibing with my music for a while.
Made it to the plane all was good. Absolutely packed too for context. Stood there praying I wasn't gonna be put next to children because it's just not a vibe for two hours. Prayers were answered because I had a cute old couple next to me instead. I did feel a little bad because I napped for nearly the whole journey and I was on the aisle seat so my one and only thought was I hope they didn't need to pee.
I don't think they did. Got woken up by some child kicking my seat behind me which I wasn't a fan of. Baby screaming a couple of rows behind. The worst thing is I'm genuinely scared of flying so the take-off and landing bit is not for me. So to get through it I try to sleep and listen to music because if you're gonna go, you're gonna go, but at least you can have some tunes on the way down.
I was awoken by this infant just for the descending. Honestly was doing some deep breaths every step of the way because those little drops they do, I'm not a fan of. At all. Treated myself to a cornish pastie though from Greggs when I landed so it was all good. Got picked up by Julia (my housemate from last year) which I was very thankful for. She even brought me squares which was the cutest thing, so I just sat there munching for the way home.
Obviously had a cheeky cup of tea as soon as I got in & opened my presents from Christmas hehe. I got the fluffiest socks ever. I can't describe the level of comfort these socks are giving me - but let me just say 10/10.
I might even add a pic of them in here is how much I'm obsessed with them.
I still have classes every day from 9-1 but afterwards, I said I'd meet up with a couple of friends today. I also need to nip to the market to get some thread, ribbon, needles, and some other bits to alter the dress I think I'll be wearing to Beth's (my other housemate from last year) wedding. I forgot if I mentioned but she's the reason I'm back in England this week hehe.
In other news, I went to Waya festival in Montpellier a couple of days before I flew home. It was this Latino music festival and it was amazing. The vibes, immaculate. I've decided from that experience I want to learn Spanish dancing. Which kind you may ask, no idea. Salsa or batcha are the only two I know :)