Guess who died at the start of this wk again, yus 'tis me :) Bro I've been so ill Monday I just went to my online Chinese classes bcs they're kind of obligatory and I think I sufficiently scared the shhh**** out of my Chinese lecturer when I started speaking bcs I just sounded like a 90yr old smoker or smth (Nastia hunnie this is gonna be u if u don't stop)
I put a deposit down for my accom in Notts for September, which was kinda sad I'm ngl because it's just like making going back to the UK a reality which is just depressing because I don't wanna be there. Not an English gal at heart, would rather have been born in Europe, but what can u do. BUT it's cheap accom, looks pretty cosy & it's 10mins from the city centre (more the library to be exact bcs I'm gonna be living in there for final year)
I'm also gonna be in the same flat with Paula (one of my friends from uni that I met in first year, she's honestly one of the nicest girls I met when I first got to uni, she's just real u know, no drama, has her shit pretty much together and is super focused on uni and doing well, which really helps me to stay grounded and motivated to, u know, get that degree. I'm hoping she's also gonna force me to speak French too (she's fluent) so that I can keep it up whilst being back in the UK.
Ermmm what else, I had some bomb ass Italian coffee that had me acting like I'd taken crack for a good 5hrs, I cleaned my apartment, wrote some motivational notes for myself which I'll add a pic of below because I think I'm joke ngl, I decided to cut mine and my housemates hair at around 1am because we just both got bored :)
For more inspirational quotes like this , holla me up @hann.0o & I'll have them delivered to u within 3-5working days xox
Some of u may be asking at this point is this girl really on crack? & to that I would say yes, yes I am :)
& to end my little story time for u guys, we went for a walkies today to the city centre & we got given a rose and a heart balloon from some random girls in Polygone which just made my day I was ahhhhhh :))))))))))) it was just so cute u know like them little acts of kindness just make my day.